College Highlight

Allegheny COllege

A robust Greek system gives Allegheny a strong traditional college life. If you've ever wondered what lake-effect snow is, you'll find out here.

Allegheny College is a down-to-earth Eastern liberal arts school boasting a rich history of academic excellence in an intimate setting. Administrators here understand the importance of providing students with real-world experience to complement their classroom work, and the school places a special emphasis on the development of oral communication skills. A May term offers time for internships or other off-campus work and study, and a commitment to civic responsibility has spurred several new programs. Allegheny's small size means students don't suffer from lack of attention, and despite the heavy workload, anyone struggling academically will get help before the situation becomes dire.

Allegheny's 79-acre campus is tucked away in Meadville, Pennsylvania, 90 miles north of Pittsburgh. Founded in 1815 and nestled in the Norman Rockwell-esque rolling hills of northwestern Pennsylvania, the campus is home to traditional architecture and redbrick streets, as well as newer additions such as apartment-style housing for upperclassmen. A nationally acclaimed science complex supports already strong programs, and the college also owns a 283-acre research reserve and an 80-acre protected forest. The 40,000 square-foot Vukovich Center for Communication Arts is home to rehearsal and instructional areas, video production facilities, and a large performance space.

Allegheny offers more than 30 majors and 40 minors, and all students are required to complete at least one minor in addition to their major. The college operates on two 15-week semesters each year, and each features an Academic Programming Day: classes do not meet and students participate in a variety of college-sponsored programs, including open houses, advising and career counseling workshops, and other campus events. 

The school's strongest programs include environmental science, economics, physical and biological sciences, and international studies (which offers a track in Middle Eastern and North African studies). Biology, economics, psychology, and communication enroll the most students.

There is a major in biochemistry, a minor in environmental writing, and a track for students interested in entrepreneurial and managerial economics. Co-op programs include 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4 options leading to degrees in engineering, public policy and management, nursing, physician assistant studies, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.

The workload at Allegheny can be tough, but a senior says, "You are surrounded by deeply motivated students who make academics fun and interesting, and that takes off some of the intensity." Students praise Allegheny's faculty for their passion, knowledge, and accessibility." All the professors I've had take my success very seriously, and understand that my learning is different from other students," comments an economics major. You won't find a TA at the lectern in any Allegheny classroom, and 68 percent of courses have fewer than 20 students. The college's honor code allows students to take unproctored exams. 

Allegheny College boasts a rich history of academic excellence in an intimate setting, augmented by a growing emphasis on extracurricular experiences designed to produce well-rounded alumni. The campus' natural beauty and the genuine affection students feel for it and for each other remain unchanged. What's more, students appreciate the value placed on individuality and involvement. "Students are encouraged to explore their unusual combinations of interests, skills, and talents," says one junior. "The word 'no' is not often used here."


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