Book Marrs
Please select a service below to book an appointment with us. We look forward to working with you!
Complimentary 30 minute Prospect Consultation
No charge
Complimentary 30 minute overview meeting for prospective clients to learn the Marrs philosophy and overall process.
Comprehensive College Planning Package
Installment plans available
(Up to 25 hours) Includes data gathering, activity ranking, resume, all aspects of college research and touring, assistance with 10 applications, essays and assistance with all scholarship essays – optional to meet in person or FaceTime/Zoom.
10 Hour Package
Can be used for any aspect of the college planning process: college selection; resume and essay writing; applications. Interviewing. Whatever the senior needs to get the college planning process completed. Meetings will be weekly until all applications are submitted.
*Available Sept. 1st senior year
5-Hour Package
Used for specific tasks on the college application and essay process. Usually spent on essays or applications and interviews. Can be used for resume crafting as well. Virtual meetings will be “as needed”, initiated by the student. Google docs used for essays.
Middle School & 9th Grade Planning Package
(Up to 7 hours) “Retainer” to be available as needed to help student stay focused and directed towards preparing for a strong high school experience: Establishing the right foundation to reduce unnecessary stress academically and socially through 9th grade. Discount offered on the Comprehensive Planning Package when student chooses to continue entering 10th grade.
7th & 8th Grade Consultation
(90 min) Consultation to discuss academic tracks and course selection, as well as extracurricular activities including clubs and sports, including summer activities. Creating a strong foundation for high school.
9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Grade Consultation
(90 min) In Person (preferably) Consultation with student and parent(s) to discuss Academic course selection for the four years in high school and discuss the Strategic Plan. Comprehensive review of what student must do in high school to stand out for colleges. Prospective list of colleges to consider. Please book at least 48 hours in advance to allow time to complete the necessary questionnaires.
Transfer Consultation
(90 min) Initial Meeting. Discuss goals for transfer and review both high school and college academic performance. Discuss all options and provide additional schools to consider. Please book at least 48 hours in advance to allow time to complete the questionnaires.
Graduate School Consultation
(90 min) The Graduate School Consultation objective is to assess the student’s academic history, goals and objectives in order to create the best path for successful applications.
Career Planning/Latitudes Assessment
Discuss the You Science/Latitudes Assessment results, as well as develop a plan to research majors and identify the careers that match.
Personal Statement Brainstorming for Grad/Law School
(120 min) Session dedicated to helping organize and brainstorm personal statement for graduate or law school applications.
*3% convenience fee added to all credit card charges
All prices effective 1/1/2024