College Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe 2020 is coming to a close. It cannot happen soon enough! For those who have teenagers, this “virtual” school business has been trying. The hybrid approach to teaching our teens has been even more challenging for both our students and us. The holidays and our students’ holiday break will be embraced with open arms!
The two articles in this newsletter are directed to all parents of high school students, but particularly juniors. The first article about virtual college visits is one that all parents need to read, but for those in the middle of the college planning process of selecting schools, this is particularly pertinent in the days of COVID – 19.
The second article is an interesting article from Forbes magazine about the issue of the value of standardized testing today. In my opinion, it does a good job de-bunking much of popular thought about standardized testing not predicting college success.
May your holidays be blessed with good health and good cheer. Enjoy your family and join me in looking forward to a fabulous 2021!
May all your wishes for 2021 come true!
Catherine L. Marrs, CEP
Making Virtual College Visits (Almost) as Good as the Real Thing
Visiting colleges has been a rite of passage for high school students. Campus tours give students and their families a way to see if schools really reflect those glossy brochures that landed in their mailboxes.
With COVID-19, that’s all changed.
Now students have to do all their information-gathering without leaving their homes.
6 Arguments Against The SAT - And Why They Don't Hold Up
The SAT and ACT have long been attacked as biased and open to manipulation, and the pandemic has helped weaken their influence. But if we understand what the tests measure, they have some value.
Critics have charged that college admissions tests only favor the wealthy, who can pay big bucks for test prep.