How to Make Your Decision as to Which College to Attend
This is an exciting time for our seniors. Regular Decision letters are arriving this month from most colleges and universities throughout the United States to our seniors between March 15th and April 1st. Hopefully, our seniors will select the top two or three schools that have accepted them to visit before making their final decision as to which school to attend. Students who visit after they have been accepted, are treated differently by the Admissions staff than they were when they were prospective students.
The two articles I selected for this newsletter shed light on additional considerations that our seniors need to weigh when making their final decision. If a student is planning to attend graduate school, medical school, law school or any other type of additional education after their undergraduate degree, the cost to attend a college needs to be closely examined. The article on choosing schools based on price has several good points to keep in mind.
The second article is focused more on the Honors Programs and Honors Colleges some schools, particularly large state schools usually have. It is always important to apply to the Honors programs or Honors Colleges when applying for admission to the school because these programs make a large school much smaller and will give the student a college experience more like a smaller, private school would. In addition, the Honors programs or Honors Colleges will offer opportunities that the other students on campus will not be offered, such as an Honors Dormitory or the ability to select classes before the other students. These programs and colleges almost always come with additional essays in the application for admission to the university. Always encourage your students to apply if there is a chance they could be accepted into the Honors program/college.
I am sure you are looking forward to Spring as much as I am! Winter left us with a bang! Spring is a time of new life and fresh starts. Hope you enjoy these last weeks of the spring semester with your students. Encourage your students to finish the school year strong. Congratulations to our seniors!
Catherine L Marrs, CEP
3 Reasons to Choose a College based on Price
Many prospective students choose a college for its location, its reputation or even its campus vibe.
Here are three reasons to choose a college based on price.
Honors Colleges and Honors Programs: Key Differences
Honors programs and honors colleges are ways for academically talented students to reap the rewards of a smaller liberal arts and sciences education within the context of a large research institution. There are some important differences.