Understanding the Different Options for Attending College
Dear Parents:
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! It is a joyous season for all of us, especially for Christians who are preparing for the birth of Jesus. It is also a time for our high school students to take their mid-term exams, turn in their papers for first semester and rest over their holiday break. Hopefully, our students will take advantage of their time off and catch up on their sleep!
My newsletter this month is dedicated to understanding the differences between an university and a college, as well as the benefits of being a part of the Honors College system public and many private schools offer students. Both articles are filled with great information.
Most of you know my attitude about the cost of attending college today and how much I emphasize the issue of Return on Investment (ROI). For so many students, an undergraduate degree is just the beginning of their higher education. A “soft” major like Psychology or Economics, is going to require graduate school to give a student the opportunity for a great job following graduation. I encourage students to always consider large research universities in their state, or states that are reasonably priced for out of state students, because they are always less expensive to attend, than private schools.
Enjoy this newsletter and I hope these articles offer more insight into evaluating the best options for your student. Also, I hope you will have time to relax during this joyous season and enjoy your family during their school break, especially if you have college students returning home for the holidays. I look forward to the coming new year and all that it will bring! Happy New Year!
Catherine L. Marrs, CEP
Do you know the differences between a College and a University?
What is the difference between a college and a university?
I have always found it depressing and frustrating that few parents and teenagers know what the differences are between a college and university. And the differences are substantial.
Americans use the terms college and university interchangeably, but these two types of higher-education institutions are quite different.
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Best Honors Colleges and Honors Programs
Are you craving the in-class intimacy of a tiny liberal arts college but also find yourself drawn to the bright lights of a vibrant, sprawling campus, the big-time sports, and the chance to be part of a large and passionate student community?
Not to sound like a middle-of-the-night infomercial but—now it’s finally possible to enjoy the best of both worlds—the honors college!
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