Important Factors to Consider When Applying to College
Dear Parents:
It is an exciting time for juniors in high school. This is their last semester as an underclassman at their high school. Hopefully, they are working hard, realizing the grades they receive this semester will be the most recent grades colleges see when students apply to college. Remind your student to work hard and do their best to end the school year successfully.
The two articles in this newsletter focus on the importance of understanding how a proposed major can affect chances of admission at some schools. Pay attention to more than acceptance rates. Students need to dig deeper into their research to learn what the stats are for which majors are admitted more at the schools they are applying.
The second article is interesting to all of us who are paying for college. It is a good article comparing the cost of tuition today in the United States compared to college tuition in other countries.
Enjoy the month of February. Spring is on its way in Texas! Hope you find my newsletter this month informative. I would love your feedback. Thank you.
Catherine Marrs, CEP
How Academic Majors Can Impact College Acceptance Rates
When teenagers are applying to a college, they often gauge their chances by looking at a university’s overall acceptance rate. That statistic, however, rarely tells the whole story.
College Transitions published an excellent post on its blog focusing on the need to be careful when selecting academic majors. “We strongly feel,” the authors stated, “that choice of major is one of the least discussed and most highly impactful components of the college application decision-making process.”
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How College Tuition in the US compares to the Rest of the World
The last months of 2022 brought many political surprises. Among them were the rulings of two federal courts that halted President Joe Biden’s student debt relief initiative, which aimed to forgive the debts of tens of millions of people.
Shortly after it was first unveiled, the government announced it had to stop the application process while seeking to overturn the court orders to hinder the program.
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